
The Doctorpreneur: A New Generation of Physicians
By Joshua Mali, MD

My journey began several years ago when I realized that I want to help patients with not only my clinical skills but also with my scientific ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit. In the clinic and the operating room, we are only able to help a limited number of patients based on the amount of time in a work day or the number of operating room time slots. However, when a new product is developed, and a business venture established, it can have a potentially unlimited impact. My passion for achieving this goal is a key driver of my success, allowing me to save vision in patients with my retinal surgical abilities and make lives better with my business acumen. 

Mali Enterprises & The Mali Eyeglass Holder

One day in my clinic I had an idea to  design an eyeglass holder that can attach to the table of the slit lamp microscope (or frankly any table) that would hold a patient’s eyeglasses during the ophthalmological examination. A simple solution to a problem that occurs on a daily basis for all eye care professionals. From this, I developed my e-commerce website and now sell the product online directly to consumers. True to form of a doctorpreneur (and the American Dream): taking an idea, making an invention, obtaining a patent, developing a manufacturing process, executing a marketing strategy, and building a company and brand that I am truly proud of.

Medical Writer and Editor

I have always had a passion for writing and educating. I have been fortunate enough to focus my passion on several opportunities including being a regular blog writer for Ophthalmology Times and Healio/Ocular Surgery News as well as on the editorial advisory board of several publications including Healio/Ocular Surgery News, Modern Retina, and HCPLive. With these platforms, I have the ability to educate my colleagues and advance the field of Ophthalmology in magnificent ways.

Eye Care Insider with Dr. Joshua Mali Podcast

A doctorpreneur must be able to adapt with the times and continue to grow. An important lesson I learned in 2020 is the value of other forms of media, especially podcasts. To reach a larger audience, I produced an eye care podcast where I bring the best insights and perspectives in the field of eye care today. It has been very successful and has helped to display my ingenuity. 

The Power of Media: TV & Films

An ability to  communicate my message effectively and a mastery of media has served me well. I have had the wonderful opportunity to educate patients nationwide with appearances on television and movies. Recently, I was the featured medical expert on the PBS Documentary film: Medical Stories.

When I reflect on my career thus far, I am grateful for all the attributes that make me a doctorpreneur: board certified ophthalmologist and award-winning vitreoretinal surgeon, Founder & CEO of Mali Enterprises, inventor, medical director, author, educator, and medical expert in TV/Films. I am honored to be a leader for a new generation of physicians; always remember your inspiration and stay true to your passion of being a doctorpreneur.

Joshua Mali, MD

Dr. Mali is a guest writer for InCrowd. He is a board-certified ophthalmologist and award-winning vitreoretinal surgeon at The Eye Associates, a private multi-specialty ophthalmology practice in Sarasota, Florida. He is also the Founder & CEO of Mali Enterprises.


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