PM360 has named InCrowd Interview a 2018 Innovative Product. “The editorial staff of PM360 read, marveled, and debated over the hundreds of submissions that we received to bring these picks to our readers. We hope, as always, you are not only impressed by these innovations, but they can also help make your jobs a little easier and the lives of the people you serve a little better.”
Taking a complex, regulated, slow process and streamlining it, InCrowd Interview brings two anonymous people together—through one simple platform—and keeps them anonymous, maintaining compliance with applicable regulations. The platform offers access to physicians, patients, nurses, pharmacists, hospital administrators, and managed care professionals, and ensures strong participants through rigorous validation and screening. When using this approach, qualitative market researchers minimize their administrative and management demands. They also expand their ability to focus on analysis of their quickly gathered results, as well as spend their saved time on meeting revenue-generating, client needs.