COVID-19: Questions You May Have for InCrowd

Our thoughts are with all who have been affected by COVID-19, including the myriad healthcare professionals (HCPs) risking their own well-being to care for the ill and protect the most vulnerable among us.

We understand you may have some additional questions specific to the impact of COVID-19 on InCrowd research that will not be answered by the current FAQs on our site. We’ve tried to anticipate some of your questions and concerns. Please let us know if you have more by messaging us at

Many other businesses have closed their offices, is InCrowd open for business?

Yes. In the interest of safety, all InCrowd employees are working remotely for the time being. During this time we will continue conducting research to maintain the lines of communication between frontline treaters and life science decision makers so data-driven decisions can be made during times of uncertainty.

If I need assistance, will I still be able to reach InCrowd team members?

Yes, team members are availableMonday through Friday during normal ET business hours. You can reach out directly through the chat function found on the lower right hand of our website or on your profile. You can also email and we’ll respond directly to your email. 

Will I still receive research opportunities?

InCrowd will continue to send quantitative and qualitative research opportunities as they become available for your profession and specialty. Your invites will continue to come in through email and text message based on your preferences. During this time we understand that some HCPs are temporarily stepping back from their current levels of research participation as they adjust to the new normal. We want to ensure that those who are still able and willing are given flexible and convenient opportunities to provide feedback on their schedule, straight from their mobile device.

Will there be any interruption to my rewards?

No, our rewards process will remain the same. Payments for microsurveys will be added to your account immediately following survey completion. Qualitative Interview payments will remain on schedule, being added to your account 24 hours after your interview has concluded. You can still redeem your rewards in the typical fashion.Look for the ‘How do I cash out my rewards?’ section of our standard FAQs for further instructions. 

What is InCrowd doing to ensure HCPs aren’t overburdened at this time?

InCrowd will continue to offer easy-to-complete, mobile-friendly surveys to minimize time commitment and allow HCPs to focus on patient care. As the situation evolves, we are prepared to make any necessary changes to adapt to your needs, as our members. Should you have any feedback  please feel free to reach out to us through our help channels so we can effectively address the challenges of the weeks and months ahead.

Will my account be impacted if I can’t participate right now?

Your status will not be impacted. Your account will remain active and we hope to continue to have your participation when you are able to provide your insights in the future.