
Who are the life sciences market researchers of 2016?
By Meghan Oates-Zalesky

InCrowd recently surveyed more than 100 life science market researchers to learn details on who they are and the market they serve. The 2016 Life Sciences Market Research—State of the Market Report shares insight into today’s life science market researcher, their priorities, perceptions, and challenges.

This blog is the first in a series that will examine key findings from the State of the Market Report. We’re fortunate to learn a great deal about today’s life science market researcher, and this piece covers insights from the demographic details they shared.

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Today’s life science market researchers appear to be lifers in their work—more than 71 percent surveyed have 15 or more years of experience in their field.

For our survey, 76 percent of respondents were male and 24 percent female. Most are Gen X-ers and Baby Boomers, with 92 percent claiming to be older than 36. A highly educated group, 71 percent of life science market researchers polled reported they had a graduate degree or above, with nearly 40 percent of them holding PhDs.

In terms of marital status, 84 percent say they are married. While 80 percent of life science market researchers told us they have children.

Nearly 44 percent of respondents surveyed say they change roles within a company every three to four years. Nearly 75 percent stay at a company for more than five years and 42 percent stay eight years or more.

The picture we gathered from the State of the Market Report of today’s life science market researchers is that of an erudite, experienced, and seasoned professional, committed to the field. 

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